To fix Clickjacking, it’s important to first understand what it is. Clickjacking, also known as UI redressing, is a malicious technique where an attacker deceives a user into clicking on something different from what they perceive. This is often accomplished by placing a transparent or opaque iframe over a legitimate web page, tricking the user into interacting with the hidden element instead of the intended one.

Fix Clickjacking

For example, a user might think they are clicking a harmless button to play a video, but in reality, they are clicking a hidden button that confirms a bank transaction or grants administrative privileges.

Clickjacking poses significant security risks, including:

  • Unauthorized actions performed on behalf of the user.
  • Disclosure of sensitive information.
  • Unauthorized access to user accounts and administrative functions.

Real-world incidents, such as the Facebook “Likejacking” attack, where users unknowingly “liked” a page by clicking a hidden button, highlight the severity and potential impact of clickjacking attacks.

1. Using X-Frame-Options Header

The X-Frame-Options header is a simple yet effective way to prevent clickjacking by controlling whether a browser should be allowed to render a page in a frame, iframe, or object.


  • DENY: Prevents any domain from framing the content.
  • SAMEORIGIN: Allows only the same origin to frame the content.
  • ALLOW-FROM uri: Allows framing only from the specified URI.
Header always append X-Frame-Options DENY
add_header X-Frame-Options "DENY" always;
<meta http-equiv="X-Frame-Options" content="DENY">
If you experience any issues, you can replace DENY with SAMEORIGIN

2. Using Content Security Policy (CSP)

Content Security Policy (CSP) provides a more robust solution for mitigating clickjacking by specifying valid sources for content. The frame-ancestors directive controls which sources can embed the content in a frame.

Example Implementation:

Content-Security-Policy: frame-ancestors 'self'
This directive ensures that only pages from the same origin can embed the content, effectively preventing clickjacking.

3. Implementing Frame-Busting Scripts

Although less preferred compared to modern headers, frame-busting scripts can provide an additional layer of protection.

Example Script:

<script type="text/javascript"> if (top !== self) { top.location = self.location; } </script>

Watch This Video for a Detailed Walkthrough

For a visual guide, watch this YouTube video: How to fix clickjacking

In this post, we’ve explored the concept of clickjacking, its potential impacts, and detailed methods to fix clickjacking vulnerabilities. By implementing the X-Frame-Options header, Content Security Policy, and frame-busting scripts, you can significantly enhance the security of your website against clickjacking attacks.

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